
Revision as of 18:31, 18 February 2011 by Voxphoto (talk | contribs) (- 1049 & 1050 (same image) replaced from our pool)
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Please mark changes as small change, especially when editing very large articles like this twice or more times a day - store only the last change as full change U. Kulick 08:42, 14 February 2011 (PST)

Photos with copyright issues

The Problem

When Wikia caused the site fork, it brought into question usage rights for photos which were not CC licensed. Some users had left their photos as "all rights reserved", granting the old Camerpedia site implicit permission to use them by submitting them to the Camerpedia Flickr Group. When Wikia bought Camerpedia's domain, the community was forced to rename the community website. Because Wikia also controlled the Camerpedia Flickr group at this point, it was not possible to rename it, so a new Flickr group had to be started. Since the image usage permission wording on the old Flickr group mentioned Camerapedia by name, it became questionable whether we could still claim usage permission to "all rights reserved" photos after the name change.

The Solution

Steevithak wrote a script that extracted the full list of the wiki's approximately 10,000 photos with Flickr IDs. A second script then processed this list against the Flickr API, removing photos that were safe for use:

  • Photos with a CC license or in the public domain were removed from the list.
  • Photos owned by members of our new Flickr group were removed from the list.
  • Photos owned by rebollo_fr were removed from the list based on his prior emails suggestion willingness to contribute to the community effort.

As part of this effort, as many members of the previous Flickr group as possible were invited into the new Flickr Group.

The final results are presented below. First a list of specific users whose photos have licensing problems, then a list of the specific photos.

We're going to have to crowd-source this problem to all our editors. There are several ways to approach it:

1. Invite a Flickr user to join our Flickr group and submit their photo. If you succeed, remove that user and their photos from the lists below. Problem photos or users all invited now

2. Find a particular problem image and replace it with a similar one from our Flickr Group. Remove the image from the list. If that user has no other problem images (you'll have to search the list with Ctrl-F), you should also remove them from the user list.

3. Find a particular image and remove it from the associate article (this should be a last resort). Remove the image from the list. If that user has no other problem images (you'll have to search the list with Ctrl-F), you should also remove them from the user list.

4. UPDATE! Find a particular problem image and replace it with a Creative Commons licensed image from flickr. If the image is under a CC-BY, CC-NC, or CC-SA type license, the author has given blanket permission for its use on sites like ours, so there's no need to notify or get further permission from the author provided you follow our normal image procedures (e.g. acknowledge the author, link back to flickr, note the license). To search for CC-licensed images on flickr go to Flickr's advanced search enter your search criteria such as the camaera's name and check the options that says "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content" before clicking the "Search" button.

5. Update 2 You may also search all of Flickr (without CC restriction) and then invite suitable photos to our Camera-wiki photo pool. Voxphoto is experiencing about a 60% success rate with these requests, and suggests locating and inviting 2 photos for each problem one needing replacement. This method offers another bonus of publicizing more widely.

If you are working on images, please select a block or 10 or more and add some markup around them to indicate that you're working on them, so other editors will not select the same images.

Problem Flickr Member List

Every Flickr user here has either been invited to join the Flickr group, 
or their individual images have been requested (when there were ~5 or fewer).

Not all photos have been re-submitted to the pool, so continue to check the latest submissions
and then move on to replacing problem images.

12 : Abdishev invited by Vox; invited 1 single photo
        Invited him to post all his Ernemann images...He's an avid collector of that make... --Heritagefutures 20:33, 16 February 2011 (PST)
20 : ArcticCorsair - Pentax Shooter  only 2 photos, invited by Vox
22 : Basic Framework need 4 photos, Vox invited
28 : Bobasonic need 5 photos, Vox invited
32 : COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES Did not join group, did submit several requested images
40 : Cinematto -- invited by U. kulick --only 1 remaining photo still unsubmitted
46 : CrMeade need 3  photos, Vox invited
47 : Cygnus-X1 need 3 photos, Vox invited
66 : Epicyclic Transmissions 3 photos needed, Vox invited
70 : G_Gorilla invited by Vox
74 : Giulio Colombo 1 photo only, Vox invited
95 : Jan&paul 2 photos only, Vox invited
105 : K.Medeiros invited to group by Vox
117 : Laurie.pettitt need 3 images, Vox invited
118 : Lean (inkel) need 4 images, Vox invited
120 : Lincoln Kush invited by Vox
123 : Lux4u2  only 2 photos, invited by Vox
132 : Mauro Morán only 1 photo, invited by Vox
139 : Mrchuck1 Only 3 photos, invited by Vox
140 : N E L S O N  only 1 photo, invited by Vox
147 : Nina Terese only 2 photos, invited by Vox
152 : Obsoletist only 2 photos, invited by Vox
156 : Paul Desmond invited by Vox
157 : PeKai only 3 photos, invited by Vox
168 : Rogelio Hernandez 4 images invited by Vox
192 : Wladislaw Draculesti  1 photo invited by Vox
211 : blackteaj.justice need 4 photos, Vox invited
219 : ceciliacase only 1 photo, Vox invited
226 : dandidit need 3 photos, Vox invited
227 : dbroglin joined group; submitted some other photos, numerous problem photos still to request
257 : ishoothorizon invited by Vox
258 : itsathird only 1 photo, VOx invited
259 : j hopper invited by Vox
263 : jay el invited to group, +couple pics
267 : jonnymorris only 1 pic, Vox invited
269 : junkyard_kahrs need 4 photos, Vox invited
270 : just_another_uid  only 2 photos, Vox invited
284 : mcv100 only 1 photo, invited by Vox
285 : mcveja only 1 photo, invited by Vox
289 : mind jacker only 1 photo, invited by Vox
293 : mv4 only 1 photo, invited by Vox
304 : past_reflections  only 1 photo, invited by Vox
318 : reynan.ali
325 : schimalgi invited by Vox
328 : seanthow invited by Vox
330 : sensencw  only 2 photos, invited by Vox  
344 : thelifeandtimesofsam user invited by heritagefutures.—5 photos, invited by Vox >>2nd invite sent--Heritagefutures 14:59, 12 February 2011 (PST)
348 : to be, inspired user invited by heritagefutures.—4 photos invited by Vox
356 : vinadelleuser invited by heritagefutures
366 : yoshiko314 user invited by heritagefutures.—1 photo invited by Vox
370 : ···::::···Yass···::::··· user invited by heritagefutures

Problem Photo List

60 : Lumiclub and Lumière 6×6 : photo 3388056896 by flickr user vinadelle

69 : Zenix 110 : photo 1736825957 by flickr user schimalgi
70 : Zenix 110 : photo 1736847307 by flickr user schimalgi
71 : Zenix 110 : photo 1737665656 by flickr user schimalgi Vox invited +note, no reply
72 : Zenix 110 : photo 1737669860 by flickr user schimalgi
73 : Zenix 110 : photo 1737683014 by flickr user schimalgi
74 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2663651247 by flickr user schimalgi
75 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2663651979 by flickr user schimalgi
76 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2663652979 by flickr user schimalgi
77 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2663653411 by flickr user schimalgi
78 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2663655257 by flickr user schimalgi Vox invited +note, no reply
79 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2663656163 by flickr user schimalgi
80 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2663656557 by flickr user schimalgi
81 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 2664483720 by flickr user schimalgi

85 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985044359 by flickr user seanthow
86 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985044497 by flickr user seanthow Vox invited, no response
87 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985044823 by flickr user seanthow
88 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985900480 by flickr user seanthow
89 : Shōwa Kōgaku : photo 2985900480 by flickr user seanthow Vox invited
90 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985900924 by flickr user seanthow
91 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985901232 by flickr user seanthow
92 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985901414 by flickr user seanthow
93 : Semi Leotax : photo 2985901782 by flickr user seanthow

94 : Vivitar 35-70mm 1:3.5-4.8 Macro Focusing Zoom 52mm : photo 177594620 by flickr user jonnymorris only 1 pic, invitation declined. Not sure every vivitar lens deserves a page???

103 : Mine Six : photo 2218611714 by flickr user just_another_uid Vox invited
104 : Mine Six : photo 2218611718 by flickr user just_another_uid Vox invited

143 : Sliding box camera : photo 2645123352 by flickr user past_reflections only 1 photo, invited by Vox

162 : Beauty Lightomatic : photo 3141028163 by flickr user j hopper
163 : Beauty Lightomatic : photo 3141028169 by flickr user j hopper
164 : Beauty Lightomatic : photo 3142418375 by flickr user j hopper
165 : Minolta A : photo 3261213635 by flickr user j hopper
166 : Aires 35 : photo 3261213639 by flickr user j hopper
167 : Beauty Super L : photo 3577859580 by flickr user j hopper invited--WAIT for j hopper response
168 : Beauty Super L : photo 3577874180 by flickr user j hopper
169 : Sekonic : photo 3577874180 by flickr user j hopper
170 : Beauty Super L : photo 3577887256 by flickr user j hopper
171 : Brumberger : photo 3578983055 by flickr user j hopper
172 : Taron 35 III : photo 4396154720 by flickr user j hopper
173 : Taron 35 III : photo 4396154726 by flickr user j hopper
174 : Taron 35 III : photo 4396154732 by flickr user j hopper
175 : Beauty Super II : photo 4451462030 by flickr user j hopper
176 : Beauty Super II : photo 4451490410 by flickr user j hopper

223 : Mamiya RZ67 : photo 4410633277 by flickr user sensencw invited by Vox
224 : Mamiya RZ67 : photo 4411400722 by flickr user sensencw invited by Vox

        I invited Abdishev. We need his Ermemann pics...--Heritagefutures 20:35, 16 February 2011 (PST)
468 : Ernemann Liliput : photo 4956579875 by flickr user Abdishev
469 : Ernemann Liliput : photo 4957171096 by flickr user Abdishev
470 : Ernemann Heag XV : photo 4958507367 by flickr user Abdishev
471 : Ernemann Heag XV : photo 4958973992 by flickr user Abdishev
472 : Ernemann Heag XV : photo 4959101868 by flickr user Abdishev
473 : Ernemann Klapp-Camera : photo 4965972253 by flickr user Abdishev
474 : Ernemann Klapp-Camera : photo 4966566200 by flickr user Abdishev
475 : Ernemann Klapp-Camera : photo 4966575038 by flickr user Abdishev
476 : Ernemann Bob : photo 4979031905 by flickr user Abdishev Vox invited--waiting for any response
477 : Ernemann Bob : photo 4979071577 by flickr user Abdishev
478 : Ernemann Bob : photo 4979679726 by flickr user Abdishev
479 : Ernemann Liliput : photo 4982616495 by flickr user Abdishev
480 : Ernemann Erni : photo 5000547159 by flickr user Abdishev
481 : Ernemann Erni Stereo : photo 5001015865 by flickr user Abdishev
482 : Ernemann Erni : photo 5001148398 by flickr user Abdishev
483 : Ernemann Erni : photo 5001149296 by flickr user Abdishev
484 : Ernemann Erni Stereo : photo 5001616528 by flickr user Abdishev
485 : Ernemann Erni Stereo : photo 5001616728 by flickr user Abdishev
486 : Ernemann Velocam : photo 5004829688 by flickr user Abdishev
487 : Ernemann Velocam : photo 5004830270 by flickr user Abdishev
488 : Ernemann Velocam : photo 5011975868 by flickr user Abdishev
489 : Ernemann Liliput Stereo : photo 5016696465 by flickr user Abdishev
490 : Ernemann Liliput Stereo : photo 5016696537 by flickr user Abdishev
491 : Ernemann Bob : photo 5017122449 by flickr user Abdishev
492 : Ernemann Bob : photo 5017122729 by flickr user Abdishev
493 : Ernemann Liliput Stereo : photo 5017302522 by flickr user Abdishev
494 : Ernemann Bob : photo 5017730218 by flickr user Abdishev
495 : Ernemann Bob : photo 5029191817 by flickr user Abdishev
496 : Ernemann Bob : photo 5029808922 by flickr user Abdishev
497 : Ernemann Bob : photo 5029811696 by flickr user Abdishev
498 : Ernemann Heag XIV : photo 5034572223 by flickr user Abdishev
499 : Ernemann Heag XIV : photo 5034572637 by flickr user Abdishev
500 : Ernemann Heag XIV : photo 5035191242 by flickr user Abdishev
501 : Eastman M.B. : photo 5102403177 by flickr user Mrchuck1 Invited by Vox

506 : Kowa 35N : photo 4981829635 by flickr user Laurie.pettitt Vox invited
507 : Kowa 35N : photo 4982432716 by flickr user Laurie.pettitt Vox invited
508 : Aires 35 : photo 5277025936 by flickr user Laurie.pettitt Vox invited

509 : Fujica AX-5 : photo 5305958195 by flickr user mcv100 only 1 photo, invited by Vox

520 : Alpa : photo 942283877 by flickr user Cinematto Vox invited

626 : Nikon F2 : photo 280831378 by flickr user junkyard_kahrs Vox invited
627 : Nikon F2 : photo 280831380 by flickr user junkyard_kahrs Vox invited
628 : Nikon F2 : photo 280831381 by flickr user junkyard_kahrs Vox invited

692 : Pentax Z-1/PZ-1 : photo 2214405571 by flickr user ArcticCorsair - Pentax Shooter Vox invited
693 : Pentax Z-1/PZ-1 : photo 2214405647 by flickr user ArcticCorsair - Pentax Shooter Vox invited

696 : Anny 35 : photo 2325544983 by flickr user Epicyclic Transmissions Vox invited
697 : Ansco Readyset : photo 3497592933 by flickr user Epicyclic Transmissions Vox invited
698 : Semi Proud : photo 3531305125 by flickr user Epicyclic Transmissions Vox invited

704 : Kodak Reflex : photo 1535705605 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES Non-original color
706 : Agfa PD16 Clipper : photo 2076297438 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES non-original color

711 : Kodak No. 2 Portrait Brownie : photo 3228554991 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES Non-original painted version
712 : Simflex 35 : photo 3231895692 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES Non-original color, why using these 4?
713 : Simflex 35 : photo 3231895840 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES Non-original color, why using these 4?
714 : Simflex 35 : photo 3231895984 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES
715 : Simflex 35 : photo 3231896104 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES
716 : Symbolica : photo 3236313981 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES Why using these? Non-original colors
717 : Symbolica : photo 3236316005 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES
718 : Symbolica : photo 3237158400 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES
719 : Symbolica : photo 3237168208 by flickr user COLECCION CAMARAS DE COLORES

727 : Dollina : photo 203341461 by flickr user Basic Framework Vox invited
728 : Dollina : photo 203341514 by flickr user Basic Framework Vox invited
729 : Dollina : photo 203341556 by flickr user Basic Framework Vox invited
730 : Dollina : photo 203341611 by flickr user Basic Framework Vox invited

733 : Fujica Six : photo 3527553269 by flickr user blackteaj.justice Vox invited
734 : Fujica Six : photo 3527566423 by flickr user blackteaj.justice Vox invited
735 : Fujica Six : photo 3528714886 by flickr user blackteaj.justice Vox invited
736 : Fujica Six : photo 3528715440 by flickr user blackteaj.justice Vox invited

739 : Anny 35 : photo 3434648962 by flickr user [1]

740 : Nikon : photo 143019720 by flickr user Bobasonic This and next 4 invited by Vox
741 : Olympus C-220 Zoom : photo 143020636 by flickr user Bobasonic

743 : Houghton and Ensign : photo 143024797 by flickr user Bobasonic
744 : Yashica 6×6 TLR (knob advance) : photo 143037597 by flickr user Bobasonic End 5 Vox invited

760 : Allied Impex : photo 493839468 by flickr user ceciliacase only 1 photo, Vox invited

778 : Proud postwar folders : photo 1252204847 by flickr user [2] No longer exists. Link removed by Hans Kerensky
779 : Proud postwar folders : photo 1252211397 by flickr user [3] No longer exists. Link removed by Hans Kerensky
780 : Proud postwar folders : photo 1252217625 by flickr user [4] No longer exists. Link removed by Hans Kerensky
781 : Proud postwar folders : photo 1253054528 by flickr user [5] No longer exists. Link removed by Hans Kerensky
782 : Proud postwar folders : photo 1253081994 by flickr user [6] No longer exists. Link removed by Hans Kerensky
783 : Proud postwar folders : photo 1253087292 by flickr user [7] No longer exists. Link removed by Hans Kerensky

784 : Folding Cyclone : photo 4540793629 by flickr user CrMeade Vox invited
785 : Folding Cyclone : photo 4541427078 by flickr user CrMeade Vox invited
786 : Folding Cyclone : photo 4541427268 by flickr user CrMeade Vox invited

790 : Canon Photura 135 Caption/Epoca 135 Caption/Jet 135 : photo 4482384768 by flickr user Cygnus-X1  Vox invited
791 : Canon EOS 10 : photo 4525834347 by flickr user Cygnus-X1 Vox invited

794 : Mailart : photo 128949497 by flickr user dandidit Vox invited
795 : Mailart : photo 128949498 by flickr user dandidit Vox invited
796 : Mailart : photo 128949499 by flickr user dandidit Vox invited

823 : Walz Wide : photo 3130902204 by flickr user dbroglin Vox invited
824 : Canon TLb : photo 3130912896 by flickr user dbroglin Vox invited
825 : Mamiya 35 Super Deluxe : photo 3131627992 by flickr user dbroglin Vox invited
826 : Olympus 35-S : photo 3131653498 by flickr user dbroglin Vox invited
827 : Taron 35 III : photo 3131653652 by flickr user dbroglin Vox invited
828 : Walz Electric : photo 3131693372 by flickr user dbroglin Vox invited
829 : Iloca Rapid B : photo 3131720968 by flickr user dbroglin
830 : Kodak Retina IF : photo 3163569835 by flickr user dbroglin
831 : Contina : photo 3164406222 by flickr user dbroglin
832 : Princess 2 / 2a : photo 3182418349 by flickr user dbroglin
833 : Petri Racer : photo 3199246628 by flickr user dbroglin
834 : Petri Racer : photo 3199247030 by flickr user dbroglin
835 : Taron V18 : photo 3206792251 by flickr user dbroglin
836 : Futura S : photo 3210000275 by flickr user dbroglin
837 : Pigeon 35 : photo 3222270313 by flickr user dbroglin
838 : Praktica IV : photo 3254050494 by flickr user dbroglin
839 : Lord 35IIA : photo 3284868525 by flickr user dbroglin
840 : Taron VL : photo 3285074023 by flickr user dbroglin
841 : Petri E.Bn : photo 3291036950 by flickr user dbroglin
842 : Bewi : photo 3295293577 by flickr user dbroglin
843 : Kowa Kallo 35 : photo 3306964790 by flickr user dbroglin Hans K invited
845 : Beaumat : photo 3388376408 by flickr user dbroglin
846 : Walz 35-S : photo 3392434693 by flickr user dbroglin
847 : Beirette 1939 : photo 3444705583 by flickr user dbroglin
848 : Kowa Kallo 181/281 : photo 3571936177 by flickr user dbroglin Hans K invited
849 : Baldamatic / Baldamatic I / II : photo 3572743230 by flickr user dbroglin
850 : Lord 4D and 5D : photo 3575860106 by flickr user dbroglin
851 : Argus A2F : photo 3630258768 by flickr user dbroglin
852 : Mamiya 528AL : photo 3647161521 by flickr user dbroglin
853 : Rex aka Ricsor : photo 3654036958 by flickr user dbroglin
854 : Arette : photo 3684439168 by flickr user dbroglin
855 : Aires Viscount : photo 3703322051 by flickr user dbroglin
856 : Walz Envoy 35 : photo 3864176505 by flickr user dbroglin
857 : Ricoh 35 Deluxe : photo 3864886528 by flickr user dbroglin
858 : Argus Autronic I : photo 3864886558 by flickr user dbroglin
859 : Mamiya 35 Auto Deluxe 2 : photo 3864960164 by flickr user dbroglin
860 : Neoca 35 IV S : photo 3864960298 by flickr user dbroglin
861 : Colorette : photo 3950564515 by flickr user dbroglin
862 : Petri 7s II : photo 3951342644 by flickr user dbroglin
863 : Baldina : photo 3980094744 by flickr user dbroglin
864 : Super Westomat 35 : photo 3980095484 by flickr user dbroglin
865 : Kodak Retina IIF : photo 4001616735 by flickr user dbroglin
866 : Nescon 35 : photo 4008404305 by flickr user dbroglin
867 : Baldamatic / Baldamatic I / II : photo 4050515909 by flickr user dbroglin
868 : Super Westomat 35 : photo 4115657796 by flickr user dbroglin
869 : Olympus 35 RD : photo 4115657798 by flickr user dbroglin
870 : Iloca Automatic : photo 4115657810 by flickr user dbroglin
871 : Olympus 35-S : photo 4116495393 by flickr user dbroglin
874 : Vitomatic Ib : photo 4197822678 by flickr user dbroglin

944 : Guest G4000 : photo 4118255680 by flickr user ···::::···Yass···::::···
945 : Guest G4000 : photo 4118551542 by flickr user ···::::···Yass···::::···
946 : Guest G4000 : photo 4118625980 by flickr user ···::::···Yass···::::···

966 : Regula Picca : photo 3801588837 by flickr user Giulio Colombo

1012 : Fujifilm Instax 100 : photo 2664902161 by flickr user Lean (inkel) Vox invited
1013 : Fujifilm Instax 100 : photo 2664904233 by flickr user Lean (inkel) Vox invited 
1014 : Fujifilm Instax 100 : photo 2665725698 by flickr user Lean (inkel) Vox invited
1015 : Fujifilm Instax 100 : photo 2665727760 by flickr user Lean (inkel) Vox invited

1018 : Mecablitz : photo 3469785147 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1019 : Contina : photo 3600181942 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1020 : Regula Picca : photo 3659643110 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1022 : Casio : photo 3742528490 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1023 : Casio AF-5 : photo 3742528490 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1024 : Chinon Belami AF : photo 3748492373 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1025 : Gnom : photo 3750024794 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1026 : Felicette : photo 3807789031 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1027 : Certo KN 35 : photo 3807800049 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1028 : Braun Gloria : photo 3896017829 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1029 : Trust : photo 4410135535 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1030 : Nikon : photo 4489472362 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1031 : Petri : photo 4852565301 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1033 : Kowa : photo 4875032856 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1034 : Voigtländer VSL : photo 4967421052 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1035 : Polaroid Land Model 340 : photo 5259932569 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1036 : Polaroid SX-70 : photo 5260640934 by flickr user ishoothorizon
1037 : Certi : photo 5266055767 by flickr user ishoothorizon

1038 : Elmoflex : photo 297168524 by flickr user itsathird only 1 photo, VOx invited

1048 : Nikomat/Nikkormat FT3 : photo 82453933 by flickr user jay el

1053 : Ernemann Bob : photo 414022093 by flickr user Jan&paul Vox invited
1054 : Ernemann Bob : photo 414022137 by flickr user Jan&paul Vox invited

1078 : Praktica TL 3 : photo 266341374 by flickr user jonnymorris

1110 : Baby Leotax : photo 3793289895 by flickr user Lincoln Kush
1111 : Baby Leotax : photo 3794107866 by flickr user Lincoln Kush invited by Vox waiting response
1112 : Baby Leotax : photo 3794108512 by flickr user Lincoln Kush
1113 : Baby Leotax : photo 3794108914 by flickr user Lincoln Kush
1114 : Baby Leotax : photo 3794110206 by flickr user Lincoln Kush
1115 : Baby Leotax : photo 3794110422 by flickr user Lincoln Kush
1116 : Baby Leotax : photo 3794110834 by flickr user Lincoln Kush

1119 : Semi First and First Six : photo 4274114468 by flickr user Lux4u2 Vox invited
1120 : Sekonic : photo 4313699060 by flickr user Lux4u2 Vox invited

1122 : Canon Dial 35 : photo 2170088229 by flickr user mar_nyc  This group invited by Hans Kerensky
1123 : Canon Dial 35 : photo 2170825230 by flickr user mar_nyc
1124 : Canon Dial 35 : photo 2170825260 by flickr user mar_nyc
1125 : Argus Match-Matic C3 : photo 2236927887 by flickr user mar_nyc
1126 : Argus Match-Matic C3 : photo 2237718820 by flickr user mar_nyc
1127 : Argus Match-Matic C3 : photo 2237718858 by flickr user mar_nyc
1128 : Argus Match-Matic C3 : photo 2237718888 by flickr user mar_nyc
1129 : Hanimex : photo 2274221073 by flickr user mar_nyc
1130 : Beirette : photo 2639709975 by flickr user mar_nyc
1131 : Konica EE-Matic Deluxe : photo 2726781219 by flickr user mar_nyc

1137 : Koni-Omega : photo 436306399 by flickr user G_Gorilla
1138 : Koni-Omega : photo 436306551 by flickr user G_Gorilla
1139 : Koni-Omega : photo 436306723 by flickr user G_Gorilla
1140 : Koni-Omega : photo 436306765 by flickr user G_Gorilla Vox invited; waiting re: group invite
1141 : Koni-Omega : photo 436306849 by flickr user G_Gorilla
1142 : Koni-Omega : photo 436306916 by flickr user G_Gorilla
1143 : Koni-Omega : photo 436307196 by flickr user G_Gorilla
1144 : Koni-Omega : photo 436307210 by flickr user G_Gorilla

1171 : Panorama camera : photo 2890102267 by flickr user mcveja only 1 photo, invited by Vox

1181 : Contessa-Nettel Stereo : photo 124821110 by flickr user N E L S O N Invited by Vox

1182 : Alpha Photo : photo 5272128615 by flickr user mind jacker only 1 photo, invited by Vox

1194 : Agfa Karat : photo 2088788343 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1195 : Agfa Karat : photo 2089577248 by flickr user Paul Desmond Invited--WAIT FOR RESPONSE
1196 : Rondine : photo 2313850775 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1197 : Ensign Cupid : photo 2924354918 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1198 : Weltini : photo 3580449185 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1199 : Weltini : photo 3581259952 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1200 : Weltini : photo 3581260516 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1201 : Contaflex (TLR) : photo 3656834744 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1202 : Contaflex (TLR) : photo 3656837362 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1203 : Nettax (35mm) : photo 3656854622 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1204 : Pilot 6 : photo 3674391465 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1205 : Pilot 6 : photo 3674397711 by flickr user Paul Desmond
1206 : Pilot Reflex : photo 3801629763 by flickr user Paul Desmond

1208 : Fotokor : photo 495932124 by flickr user mv4 invited

1216 : Baldalux : photo 5240951360 by flickr user [8] No longer available on stream NEED REPLACEMENT. Done, replaced by Hans Kerensky

1218 : Duo Six-20 : photo 209958617 by flickr user Nina Terese Invited 
1219 : Duo Six-20 : photo 209958733 by flickr user Nina Terese Invited

1230 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 3369753439 by flickr user Obsoletist
1231 : Sister Six, Crystar Six and Super Naiku : photo 3369753763 by flickr user Obsoletist

1244 : Olympus 35 LC : photo 308163362 by flickr user PeKai This through 1280 invited
1245 : Gevabox : photo 440685191 by flickr user PeKai
1246 : Adox 66 : photo 440685191 by flickr user PeKai

1280 : : photo 2586413934 by flickr user reynan.ali invited ^

1288 : Kodak Retinette : photo 2526759707 by flickr user Rogelio Hernandez This and next 3 invited by Vox
1289 : Kodak Retinette : photo 2526759755 by flickr user Rogelio Hernandez
1290 : Kodak Retinette : photo 2526759803 by flickr user Rogelio Hernandez
1291 : Kodak Retinette : photo 2527580570 by flickr user Rogelio Hernandez End of 4 invited by Vox

1321 : User talk:U. kulick : photo 437695559 by flickr user [9] missing from user stream, only on talk page IGNORE

1355 : Kodak Instamatic 255X : photo 3191402340 by flickr user thelifeandtimesofsam invited by Vox
1356 : Felicette : photo 3198554027 by flickr user thelifeandtimesofsam invited by Vox
1357 : Felicette : photo 3198554031 by flickr user thelifeandtimesofsam invited by Vox

1371 : Ichizuka : photo 3930006981 by flickr user to be, inspired  invited by Vox
1372 : Ichizuka : photo 3930789228 by flickr user to be, inspired invited by Vox
1373 : Ichizuka : photo 3930789258 by flickr user to be, inspired invited by Vox
1374 : Ichizuka : photo 3930789302 by flickr user to be, inspired invited by Vox

1386 : Canon EOS Rebel Ti : photo 2145089523 by flickr user K.Medeiros Waiting for K.Medeiros response to pool/single image invites
1394 : Canon Canonet QL 17 / QL 19 / QL 25 : photo 2145907172 by flickr user K.Medeiros
1400 : Pentax SF7/SF10 : photo 3093622097 by flickr user K.Medeiros
1402 : Minox 35 MB : photo 3093624273 by flickr user K.Medeiros 

1429 : Regula I-Po : photo 2203059943 by flickr user Wladislaw Draculesti 1 photo invited by Vox 
1438 : Minoltacord : photo 55943861 by flickr user yoshiko314 1 photo invited by Vox