Canon EF-M

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The Canon EF-M is a 35mm manual focus SLR camera and was released by Canon in 1991. It’s essentially an EOS 1000 or Rebel camera with the autofocus circuitry taken out. Also removed is TTL flash capability as well as top LCD panel. It uses Canon EF-compatible lenses in manual focus mode. On lenses with AF/MF or AF/M switches, slide them to MF or M for proper usage. There are some lenses without a manual mode, these are incompatible with this camera. The finder features a spit image micro prism to ease focusing. There is a shutter speed dial with speeds ranging from 1/2 to 1/1000, with 1 and 2 seconds along with bulb mode. A self timer is provided; to use press the timer button and press the shutter release, the delay is aprox 10 seconds. It is powered by one 6V 2CR5.
