
Revision as of 12:28, 25 April 2011 by Voxphoto (talk | contribs) (Mid term work: internal link to right section)
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Feel free to add whatever task you think should have priority.

High Priority Work

This is a list of things that must be done before we can relaunch and publicise the website. These are listed in roughly the chronological order in which they'll need to be done.

  • Remove references to camerapedia on the flickr page but still needs final site name
  • Add new site name where appropriate, Vox suggests standardizing on 'Camera-wiki' (capital C, hyphen, no TLD)
  • Add article count on main page. Use the NUMBEROFARTICLES tag: 9,830
  • Change the featured article for February. Voxphoto suggests this one (because most photo rights are clear) Vox didn't realize Konica had been featured in 2007, ignore
  • Find out which camerapedia admins are still with us and get them set up here
  • Select some new admins if needed
  • Write a new welcome page with the site's mission and acknowledgment of forking from Camerapedia ( rough draft by Vox but I don't know where/how to link)
  • We need a new name! (
  • Change the site name in the config file from to
    • community portal namespace is based on config file setting (portal-url in side nav)
    • footer link comes from config setting
    • title bar name comes from config setting
    • login screen name comes from config setting
    • Establish twitter account under new name Vox has two, @camerawiki and @camera_wiki
    • Establish FB page under new name
    • Rename camera wiki flickr group to new name
  • Set up web hosting account
  • establish new account procedures (install mediawiki captcha and auth extensions)
  • photos not CC licensed or authorized for use here must be removed
  • Set up Camera-Wiki Flickr account for hosting PD, CC, and donated images
  • Correct wording in footer to indicate text content is GFDL but not images
  • continue locating "all rights reserved" images displayed in wiki, but not yet added to our Flickr pool; invite or replace (and update rights and attributions while you're at it)
  • work on a guidelines for community decision making and public disclosure
  • Set up a kickstarter project to raise money for hosting and non-profit org
  • Prepare PR info for Make, Slashdot, other high profile geek news sites
  • Launch site!
  • Send out PR notices

Mid term work

  • nightly backup script for website, blog, and DB
  • script to tweet daily new page and edit totals
script to tweet when a new page is created? is there a way to make sure a tweet only occurs of the page does not have a { { stub } } annotation? else we tweet mini pages that are pretty uninformative--Heritagefutures 18:44, 18 February 2011 (PST)
we only get 140 chars anyway, so it'll probably just be stats. Something like "4 new pages, 120 edits, 12 new users". I think it's more likely we'll publicize interesting new pages in the blog where a human can select only those that are reasonably complete and worthwhile. Steevithak 07:14, 19 February 2011 (PST)
Steve's current script generates one tweet a week, giving a count of the week's edits and new pages. Is there any strong desire for something more frequent? I think this item can be called completed.--Vox 09:10, 8 April 2011 (PDT)
  • Logo contest (good PR value)
  • Start non-profit filings to establish 501(c)(3) org to support the site going forward
  • Work on changing existing web references from to our new name (hint: try a google search for " -wikia" to find old inbound Camerapedia links)
Vox has been contacting bloggers and website owners with a brief message about the fork, and typically getting a positive response. Please help with this, whenever you notice sites on the web with outdated links to Camerapedia. --Vox 09:24, 8 April 2011 (PDT)
Completed?--Vox 09:10, 8 April 2011 (PDT)
  • set up protected page showing status of costs vs donations and thanking sponsors/contributors (Vox has rough beginning here.)
  • load-based job queue handler to run when site is inactive
  • need a more direct route from front page to a list of "how you can help items" (e.g. ToDo lists, article suggestions, donation info, etc.)
  • establish at least two offsite backup repositories (one is already working, need another)
  • reorg database (reduces "minor edit"s)
So far, this doesn't look possible. Trying to delete records of specific edits could corrupt the page history. Doesn't look like it would produce any performance benefits. If you don't want to see the minor edits, you can filter them out when viewing the recent edit log. Steevithak 12:13, 28 February 2011 (PST)
  • determine policy for local uploads
Yes, but only for admins. If photos of others are uploaded the rights owner must have agreed. File size limit: 1024x768 pixels, 500.000 Bytes. Of course correct attribution necessary. Modest use of that upload option should be the rule. Reason: Some very rare images or very basic explaining images could be copied from Flickr, and some new non-Flickr images could enrich our illustration portfolio. (U. Kulick 03:33, 17 February 2011 (PST))
I agree. I'd prefer to see us continue to use flickr for image storage. Hosting images here increases bandwidth costs for us. It would be cheaper just to pay the $20/year to get a camera-wiki pro flickr account and store the rare images there. Steevithak 18:25, 18 February 2011 (PST)
The best argument I've heard so far is the case of scanned documentation. Simple scanned documents like ads could go in the camerawiki flickr account but it might be good to have a place for larger public domain documents such as manuals, patents, book excerpts. Thoughts? Does Butkus accept contributed camera manual scans?
Note, we now have a "camerawiki" Flickr pro account. This is available to use for storing any images you don't wish to put on your personal Flickr accounts. Contact Vox or Steevithak if you'd like to move images there. --Vox 15:38, 20 April 2011 (PDT)
  • establish guidelines and templates for new articles. Steevithak 10:53, 28 March 2011 (PDT)
    • company
      • manufacturer
      • distributor
    • camera (3 parts? generic + analog/digital + type-specific)
    • lens
    • film
    • definition/glossary item
    • biographies (e.g. photographers, inventors)
    • other article types?
  • Maintain a list of photos with possible rights problems that need replacement
I am discovering many "all rights reserved" photos which are not in our pool—too many to itemize manually. It will be an ongoing project for admins to notice which photos in the wiki lack proper rights and invite them to the pool. Flickr pool admins can do this in a couple of clicks from the "actions" menu above every photo. If anyone wishes to be promoted to Flickr pool admin status in order to help with this, please let me know.--Vox 09:10, 8 April 2011 (PDT)
  • Create new-user-greeting-template (and auto-insertion script?)
A draft of a welcome message was offered by Zuleika. If other admins would like to write one in their own style, feel free. --Vox 15:46, 20 April 2011 (PDT)
  • Document certain site-maintenance procedures so all editors are able to help: How to clean up categories; How to merge "image-by" pages when more than one has been generated for a Flickr user; etc.
  • change format of ~~~~ to [[User:JoeBloggs]] ([[User talk:JoeBloggs|talk]]) [timestamp]
  • "Project Status" section below doesn't really belong on the ToDo list - maybe move to about or history page?
  • Create an image importing tool based on the Flickr API, which would automatically extract the correct image URLs, attribution, and licensing. Add feature requests to Image template, below.

Long term work

  • Document the procedure for selecting, creating, and archiving featured articles
  • Document hardware and software administration duties and procedures
  • Document wiki admin procedures
  • Improve site friendliness to newbies without Wiki experience--e.g. by noting well-organized sample articles, encouraging copying syntax from these
  • Improve consistency between pages, e.g. image size & placement; section breaks. Want to add eye appeal for new visitors.
  • Possible greater automation of Flickr image placement, to guarantee use of attribution, link back, image rights (how?)

Image template

  • use valid XHTML div-based layout without tables
  • avoid inline styles, add needed classes to the style sheet
  • image template should create plural cat names (e.g. "Images by..." instead of "Image by...")
  • image categories need grammar correction (e.g. "more image BY..." rather than "images OF...")
  • improve image rights templates to match specific CC license types and use standard CC logos
  • add hooks for an AJAX tool to auto-populate the template from flickr API
  • new image categories should be derived from a template and link to a category help page
  • possible to use MW bot to auto-create new categories each night?
  • check for improvements/corrections in skin.js (e.g. Monobook.js , Vector.js )
  • must work transparently with older usages (e.g. missing image_rights or other fields)
  • handle common misspellings or alternate spellings (e.g. centre vs center, by vs with permission, etc.)
  • use non-strict XHTML br with a space (e.g. <br />)

Ongoing Maintenance

This is a list of maintenance items that any admins can check when they want to help out.

  • Remove double redirects - from time to time a page will be redirected more than once and sometimes gets redirected back to itself, created an endless loop. If you find one of these, delete the redirect but preserve the page using the most appropriate name. To find double redirects, check Special:DoubleRedirects
  • Check unpatrolled edits for vandalism, spam, or other problems. When you view the recent changes log, any edits that have not been patrolled and approved by an admin are marked with a red exclamation point. Check these edits by clicking the "diff" link to see what was changed. If the edit is spam or vandalism, revert the edit and take appropriate action to block the user. If the edit is acceptable, check to see if you need to make any improvements or corrections. To find the list of recent changes, check Special:RecentChanges
  • Merge duplicate flickr usernames - image rights tags include the flickr username of the photographer. The username is automatically turned into a category, allowing you to see other photos from this flickr user. In some cases, slight differences in spelling, case, or punctation of the name create unintentional duplicate categories. If you spot one of these try to merge the categories using the most appropriate flickr name.
  • Find and correct invalid XHTML - many pages in have invalid XHTML markup. Most is minor but it still needs to be fixed. This job is best done by someone familiar with HTML/XHTML markup who knows how to use the W3C validator for testing. If you find invalid markup that seems to be related to the skin or is generated directly by MediaWiki, let steevithak know and he'll try to track down the cause and either fix it or file a bug report upstream.

Getting the basics right

Basic articles like Camera are still in an intermediate state.

Image checking

Image hosting

The images in the site should be hosted in Flickr's Camerapedia pool with CC-license, or in Flickr's pool, and have a link that takes back to the corresponding Flickr page. There are some exceptions when a website owner explicitly permits the direct linking of images from his or her page. This does not mean that this practice is encouraged, but it is legitimate.

List of pages with images that may violate the above (add to this if needed):

  • Kodak S100 (likely)
  • many "problem images" are still being discovered; it may not be practical to keep a running list of them all.

Any other image that does not link back to a CC-licensed image on Flickr, or an image added to Flickr's pool is suspect. If you find such an image, you are invited to delete it if no explanation is given in the talk page. (When deleting, please make relevant text edits, looking for such phrases as "As shown in the photo above".)

You may ask any of the Flickr pool admins to invite an image to the pool you feel would be particularly useful; or do so yourself in a comment below the image (particularly if you are already contacts or friends with the photographer).

Image credits

All the images displayed in the site should be tagged with the proper "image rights" template (see the help page on adding images). All the pictures should be credited to their taker unless he explicitly allowed to post his/her image anonymously.

Image mining

Why linking to other sites? Much more fun it is to view through our pool on Flickr. Many images are still unused in articles.

Example of an article derived from image mining: V. P. Twin . This camera image was found by searching for the keyword "British". There are further cameras under this keyword in our Flickr Pool which deserve an article here. Not only because we need as many British cameras as possible covered to reach UK readers, and last not least native English speaking writers for this camera wiki. A lever to reach more U.S. readers would be to use the search keyword "Kodak". There are many precious images of pearls of American camera production which are still unused in wiki articles. Don't fear to write too much about cameras from the giants of camera business. Kodak's big role seems to be in the past, its super-selling cameras have become historical cameras which deserve unbiassed covering in a camera encyclopedia.

Missing articles ...

These articles are still missing ( U. Kulick Dec 27th 2008 )

... about Cameras

...about camera parts and accessories

  • Rollex rollfilm back (just begun)

...about People

  • Those who would prefer emphasizing the "alternate photography inventor" may add an article about Hippolyte Bayard.

about famous photographers

Maybe there are other women or men who deserve an original article in this wiki, maybe Heinrich Ernemann, the brothers Lumière, Dr. Edwin Land and a handful further photographers who should appear in the category "famous photographers".

... about basics

  • Film (just begun with a link, hard work still to do) VERY IMPORTANT!!!

articles which are missing no more

Thanks to all here several "missing articles" lost their "missing" status:

article categories needing more input

Unsatisfactory popular pages

These pages are unsatisfactory but attract many hits, as you can see in the list of popular pages. They will harm this wiki's image.

Page Number of views Current version
Kodak 71,172 incomplete list of models, especially in the Autographic segment
Canon 70,261 more intro and history, please
Lens 69,027 info about coma and curvature of field is missing
Nikon 56,999 a little more info
Pentax 51,593 the company history stops around 1960
Voigtländer 49,988 intro too short
Zeiss Ikon 44,406 Ikonta article incomplete
Rolleiflex 40,560 only contains a list of models
Canon EOS 20D 33,946 no description, links only, many of them are self-promotional
Pentacon 29,075 maybe some more info
Chinon 21,323 no text about first 50 years (done)
Canon EOS 300D 20,437 almost no description, links only, many of them are self-promotional
Nikon D70 20,226 no description, links only, many of them are self-promotional

How You can find out some todo yourself

We have a special page that lists short pages: Special:ShortPages, or see our category:stub. If there's a topic for which You really like to write some additional explaining content, please feel free to do so. There's also a technically generated special page of "wanted" pages: Special:WantedPages. The numbers in parentheses beside the topic names show how often an unwritten page is linked to the existing wiki text.

project status

End 2006: satisfactory: more and more people run into this camera wiki when they search information about cameras. Some add new interesting links or make corrections of articles, or offer new images to the project Flickr image pool, or even become authors of new articles or article sections. But still some cameras and other topics need (more) description inside the encyclopedia. But a great variety of article compostion styles should give authors enough inspiration to add all the missing information. The objective to become a main web-resource about cameras is on the way to be reached. (U. Kulick, 3 December 2006)

End 2008: Since some todos from this page got done and lots of cameras and companies got a page the site has become one that gives a wide overview over the world of cameras from 1839 to 2008, listing or explaining lots of details about many cameras, companies, accessories and people. Some articles just give a link or just show an image. Some of these deserve to be expanded with more information. U. Kulick 18:19, 27 December 2008 (EST)

February 2011: It's almost clear that is the legal successor of . has just won one new main author, while camera-wiki-org has won several new authors and some of the old ones. In the discussions around the launch of both sites the project community showed a strong preference to keep the project running as noncommercial wiki. Voxphoto and Steevithak did the first steps and supported the new wiki technologically and with a good lot of good communication. We already have some new articles and some tidy-up of categorization. Much was done for the Wiki move todo, especially regarding a main concern that made the community feeling uncomfortable with a move to wikia's wiki copy - the image rights. Steevithak found an API interface and used it to get license info about the Flickr images used in the wiki. Many copyright-protected wiki image contribs could be regained for the project by request to copyright owners, request for offering the images thru our Flickr image pool.U. Kulick 13:40, 10 February 2011 (PST)


Please reword Template:Delete, which now asks Camerapedia administrators to delete articles. Zuleika 01:14, 3 April 2011 (PDT)

Please delete Chronology, which I accidentally created when intending to create Category:Chronology. Zuleika 01:38, 5 April 2011 (PDT)

Please delete Category:Year and Category:Calendrical, now respectively superseded by Category:Individual years and Category:Chronology. Zuleika 01:38, 5 April 2011 (PDT)

All done. --Vox 19:44, 5 April 2011 (PDT)
Thank you, Vox. Zuleika 22:07, 5 April 2011 (PDT)