Wester 6×6 folders

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The Japanese company Nishida made a number of folders called Wester in the 1940s and 1950s. See also the 4.5×6 wartime Wester and the 4.5×6 postwar Semi Wester. These cameras have NKK leaf-shutters and lenses marked Wester, Wescon or Welcon that were made in house.

The Wester Chrome Six (1951) is a simple viewfinder model with double-exposure prevention and the ability to switch between 6x6 and 6x4.5 formats using a mask in the film chamber. The Wester Chrome Six R (1953) is a variant with an uncoupled rangefinder, some had a Zuiko F.C. 75/3.5 lens.
The Super Wester (1955) has a coupled rangefinder with a unit focusing 75mm f/3.5 lens, and shutter This is a dual format camera, and uses a film mask to switch from 6x6 to 6x45, and has 2 windows in the back for advancing either format.

NKK Super Wester w/ELCON 75mm f/3.5

Images by Scott (Image rights)

The Wester S2 and Wester Autorol (1956) are coupled rangefinder only 6x6 format and added automatic film advance, dispensing with the red windows.

The Wester Atlasix was another simple viewfinder model 6x6 only. The lens was a Welcon 7.5cm f/4.5 with a shutter speed to 1/300.

The Fodor Six was a name variant of the Wester Atlasix, rebadged for the Dutch distributor Fodor, with the same Welcon 7.5cm f/4.5 lens.


Japanese Six (6×6)
Postwar models (edit)
Aires Viceroy | Angel Six | Aram Six | Astoria Super Six | Atom Six | Balm Six | Baron | Beauty Six (1950) | Beauty Six (1953) | Calm Six | Carl Six | Centre Six | Crown | Crystar Six | Daido Six | Dorima Six | Doris Six | Ehira Six | Elbow Six | First Six | Flora Six | Fodor Six | Frank Six | Fujica Six | Super Fujica Six | Futami Six | Gotex | Grace Six | Kohken Chrome Six | Kyowa Six | Liner Six | Lyra Six | Mamiya Six | Middl Six | Mihama Six | Mine Six | Minon Six | Mizuho Six | Motoka Six | Mount Six | Muse Six | Super Naiku | Ofuna Six | Olympus Six | Olympus Chrome Six | Orion Six | Oscar Six | Pigeon Six | Planet | Please Six | Pluto Six | Poppy Six | Press Van | Press Van-120 | Proud Chrome Six | Proud Super Six | Renown Six | Ricoh Six | Ruvikon | Ruvinal | Sanon Six | Silver Six | Sisley 1 | Sisley 2 & 3 | Sister Six | Tenar Six | Toho Six | Tomic | Toyoca Six | Ugein Six | Wagen Six | Walcon 6 | Welmy Six | Wester | Windsor Six
rigid or collapsible
Dia Six | Ehira Chrome Six | Enon Six | Flora | Flashline | Fujipet | Harmony | Mikono-6 | Orion | Ponix | Rich-Ray-6 | Shumy | Weha Chrome Six
Japanese 6×6 TLR, pseudo TLR and medium format SLR ->
Japanese Semi (4.5×6) and older 6×9 ->


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