Canon VT

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Japanese 35mm focal plane VF and RF (edit)
Leica screw mount Alta | Bessa L/T/R | Canon II/III/IV | Canon VT | Canon VI-T | Canon L-3 | Canon P | Canon 7 | Canon 7s | ChiyocaChiyotax | Honor S1 | Honor SL | Ichicon-35 | Jeicy | Konica FR | Leotax | Leotax G | Melcon | Melcon II | Minolta 35 | Muley | Nicca | Nicca III-L | Nippon | Tanack 35/IIIS/IV-S | Tanack SD | Tanack VP | Teica | Yasuhara T981
Leica M mount Bessa R2/R3/R4 | Konica Hexar RF | Minolta CLE | Rollei 35 RF | Zeiss Ikon
Nikon mount Bessa R2S | Nikon rangefinder models
Contax G mount Contax G1 | Contax G2
Other Bessa R2C | Kwanon | Tanack V3
Japanese TLR and pseudo TLR ->
Japanese 6×6, 4.5×6, 3×4 and 4×4 ->

The Canon VT is a rangefinder camera released by Canon in 1956. Canon had a history of making cameras that modified Leica and (at least since the Canon IIB of 1949) arguably improved on Leica designs,[1] but the release of the VT first made it obvious that Canon could be a leader in 35mm rangefinder design.

Canon kept the Leica screw mount on the VT, but not obviously much else. They changed the film advance from a top-mounted knob to a bottom-mounted trigger. The tripod socket was moved to mount a trigger wind grip. They added a swing-open back making the camera easier to load than previous bottom-loading Canons. However, much under the surface was taken from the Canon IVSB2.[2]

The VT uses a cloth shutter curtain, and shutter speeds, selected via the traditional pair of dials, run from 1s to 1/1000th, plus T and B. Flash sync is available for FP, M, and X.

One of its best features is the improved three-position viewfinder with rotating prisms, which can be set to 35mm, 50mm and RF, the last of these showing only the central area. The viewfinder still lacks parallax correction. However, the RF setting is intended for use in conjunction with a viewfinder mounted in the accessory shoe, with automatic parallax correction.

Canon brought out a 50mm f/1.2 and a 35mm f/1.8 lens at about the same time as this camera.[3] Canon lenses ranged from 25mm to 800mm.[4]

The trigger winder can be awkward to use for rapid shooting either with a longer lens or when the camera is held "vertically" (for "portrait").[5]

See also


  1. Dechert (p.134) calls the Canon IVSB2 "the finest bottom-loading 35mm rangefinder camera anyone has ever built".
  2. Dechert, p.140. (Dechert also starts the section of his book titled "Revolutionary Canons" with the IVSB2.)
  3. Dechert, p.141.
  4. Dechert, p.160.
  5. Dechert, p.141.

