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This is the discussion page for Richter-Tharandt. Click here to start a new topic.

Discussion pages are for discussing improvements to the article itself, not for discussions about the subject of the article.


Is there a reason to put the city name Tharandt in the page's title? Currently we have Schneider and not Schneider-Kreuznach, Meyer and not Meyer-Görlitz, etc.

Also, the category that is currently linked is Category: Richter, that does not exist, while Category: Richter-Tharandt does. I won't correct it myself because I'm not sure of the title to decide.

--Rebollo fr 10:48, 28 August 2006 (EDT)

I used three sources for this name, and though all seem to indicate the the same factory, none is using the same name. {McKeown} (10th edition) isn't even sure what name to use. He discusses it under Welta/Reflekta. He gives the names Kamerawerk Tharandt in Freital, suggesting Tharandt is part of the name and not necessarily the location of the factory. He also mentions C. Richter in Tharandt as the company name. This last name is also used by a second source (see below the article) in a Lipca company history. A third source is amiguous about the name, calling it Kamerawerk C. Richter Tharandt. Come to think of it, the more sources I look up, the more seem to point out Tharandt was indeed just the location. I'll change it. --driesvandenelzen 11:52, 28 August 2006 (EDT)