Category talk:US-American instant cameras

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This is the discussion page for US-American instant cameras. Click here to start a new topic.

Discussion pages are for discussing improvements to the article itself, not for discussions about the subject of the article.

The naming of this category, "US-American" is quite puzzling to a native speaker. It would be perfectly fine to call it "US instant cameras." --Vox 13:19, 5 May 2011 (PDT)

It was meant as politically correct. We have cameras made in Brazil, Argentina and Canada. Thus we can't make "American..."-categories meaning USA-made. "US...." would probably be an acceptable abbreviation.U. Kulick 13:28, 5 May 2011 (PDT)
"US" has the advantage of being shorter to type! By the way, my ancestry is Canadian; but I think most English speakers treat "American" as specifically meaning the US (which is how WIkipedia categories are named, for example). --Vox 13:37, 5 May 2011 (PDT)