
Revision as of 18:29, 6 November 2006 by Rebollo fr (talk | contribs) (My Cameras: link fix)
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I'm a software developer, web programmer, and art photographer currently residing in the Tampa Bay area of FL. I plan to move to New York City this fall, where I will begin to make a more serious pursuit of professional photography.

I have two digital cameras - including a Canon EOS 350D Digital Rebel XT, of which I am quite fond - but I still love black and white film. I shoot a lot of Ilford HP5+ and Kodak Tri-X Pan, particularly in my Canonet QL17 and my Zorki 4K, but my favorite photos always seem to be those I shoot on Fujifilm Neopan Acros in my Bronica S2.

While the photography world continues to shift more and more rapidly toward digital equipment, I continue to enjoy printing photos at home in my darkroom... and I still believe the prints made in a traditional wet darkroom are better looking than those that are shot and printed digitally.

My Cameras

At the time of writing this, I am the owner of the following cameras:

Web Sites I'm Involved In