Category talk:Image by John Kratz

Revision as of 19:53, 17 May 2011 by John Kratz (talk | contribs)
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This is the discussion page for Image by John Kratz. Click here to start a new topic.

Discussion pages are for discussing improvements to the article itself, not for discussions about the subject of the article.

I certainly appreciate that Uwe and Vox took the time to create/update this page, but I'm curious about how this category is applied to a given page that includes my photos. I have noticed that it is in place on many pages, but that it does not appear on many others. The reason I noticed this is because there has been a lot of page editing for the purpose of updating or adding image attribution, but the "Image by:" category/categories have not been added to those pages. Can someone enlighten me if I'm missing something? I fully admit to being utterly knowledge-less when it comes to this kind of thing. --John Kratz 10:52, 17 May 2011 (PDT)

Hi John, a page is added to this index only when your photo attribution is entered into one of our wiki "templates" (like Template:Flickr image or Template:Image author. Many articles written in the past don't have the photo credit included in one of these yet. We are trying to modernize attributions as we sift through the wiki pages doing other cleanup, but it's going to be a slow process to complete for all 5,700 articles ;-) Another method that works would simply be to go to any page using one of your photos and add [[Category:Image by John Kratz]] at the bottom (e.g. if your photo credit is buried in a bunch of markup code you'd rather not tangle with).--Vox 12:26, 17 May 2011 (PDT)
Ahh well that explains it. Perhaps I'll go through the pages and try adding the category, although I'm not sure that I care that much! :o) Thanks, Vox!
John Kratz 12:53, 17 May 2011 (PDT)