Linhof Technika Press

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Linhof Technika Press was a 6,5x9cm-camera made by Linhof from 1956-1962/63, introduced at the 1956 Photokina. Film holders for 6x9 and 6x6 exposures were originally available. The lenses were mounted in metal helicoid mounts, unlike lenses for the other bellows-focusing Linhof cameras. For this reason all front lens standard movements of other Linhof models are not available, however back movements remain for increased depth of field. Focusing is by a combined rangefinder-viewfinder.

Together with the 4x5 Super Technika, the Technika Press won the Grand Prix at the 1957 Tri-annual Exposition in Milan[1]. Linhof advertised that "[c]ameras in addition to the TECHNIKA PRESS are superfluos", and emphasized its usefuleness for sports and press photographers, besides being so easy to handle that "even a girl can use it without effort"[2]. The Technika Press seems to have inspired the Mamiya Press standard (1960), and was itself replaced by the Linhof Technika Press 70 (1963).


Lenses introduced with the camera include:

  • Schneider-Kreuznach 53mm Technika Super Angulon F4
  • Schneider-Kreuznach 105mm Technika-Xenotar F2.8
  • Schneider-Kreuznach 180mm Technika-Tele-Arton F4
  • Carl Zeiss 53mm Biogon F4.5
  • Carl Zeiss 100mm Planar F2.8
  • Carl Zeiss 180mm Sonnar F4.8



  1. Linhof - 70 Years Service to Photography (1957) p. 22
  2. Ibid p. 37