Fodor C-35

Revision as of 07:51, 7 January 2018 by Hanskerensky (talk | contribs) (Fodor C-35 is very clearly related to the Meikai C35C, size, layout, filmcounter, etc.)
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The Fodor C-35 is a Japanese 35mm viewfinder camera made by Tougodo (unconfirmed) for the Dutch importer Fodor. Produced probably sometime between c1963 and 1972.

Fodor Lens f=5cm is fixed focus, probably meniscus type. Diaphragm ring setting with 3 symbols, linear though without any steps. 2 (unknown) shutter speeds.

In many respects similar to other Tougodo cameras like the Meikai C35C, Meikai EL and Meikai ELX. Big difference is the film transport. The Fodor has a thumbwheel on the back while the others have a transport key on top. Very unusual (so long after ww2) is the notation of focal length in cm rather than mm.

There is also a later type. An all black model and with a New Fodor Lens f=50mm