User:Rebollo fr

Revision as of 23:07, 4 December 2006 by Rebollo fr (talk | contribs) (Hosted pictures)
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Camera interests

Everyday cameras:

Collecting interests:

Today's research interest:

  • Japanese cameras from the 1930s to the 1950s

Work areas

Admin todo list

New main page

Image rights

Apply the public domain, creative commons, with permission and fair use image rights templates to all the images.

Websites to contact


Explore Wikipedia:NavFrame. See also this French help page. It needs to set "$wgAllowUserJs = true;" in LocalSettings.php.

User todo list

Work in progress

New pictures

New ads


  • Semi Minolta split and:
    • Accessories: AA and hbpartner
    • Auto Semi: Tanimura
    • Semi III and Semi P: Tanimura, AA's file, hbpartner
  • find CCS n°12, 季刊クラシックカメラ n°14, アサヒカメラニューフェース診断室—ミノルタの軌跡 and ミノルタカメラのすべて—懐かしいミノルタ往年のモデル500機種を凝縮
  • Minolta Six
  • Minolta Vest
  • Baby Minolta


Pages to rework

Semi project

All the Semi pages are up and running except the following:

The Template: Japanese Semi has been split into prewar and postwar. The following pages have more than one navigational block. The decision to keep or split depends on whether the pre & post or semi & six models are very different or not.


Pending talk pages

Hosted pictures

Some tools for Japanese language

Useful characters: ā ē ī ō Ō ū Ⅰ型 Ⅱ型 Ⅲ型.

Links to older style kanji characters:

Japanese words, mostly in older script:

  • 焦點=焦点: focus
  • 鏡玉: lens
  • 速寫ケース: eveready case (速写: snapshot)
  • 捲上=巻き上げ: winding
  • 廣角=広角: wide angle
  • 筒型透視ファインダー: tubular optical finder
  • 國産=国産: home-made, Japan made
  • 拾=十: ten