Olympus Pen-F

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The Olympus Pen-F was made in 2016 as a highlight of its maker's series of digital Olympus Pen system cameras (CSC) which shall resemble of the analog Olympus Pens, which once were popular 35mm film half-frame cameras, thus resembling a very classic Olympus camera series. Of course the type name Olympus Pen-F refers to the only analog Olympus Pen for interchangeable lenses, the Olympus Pen F which belongs to the most compact analog SLRs. The step upwards of the camera top towards the viewfinder side is the only significant takeover of the classic Pen F's camera body design, beside pen-alike flatness. The Pen-F's top bears much more user-interface elements than the top of its analog brother. Other than the other digital Olympus Pens the Pen-F got a viewfinder, an electronical one.