Sony Mavica CD300

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The MVC-CD300 followed the initial "CD-burner" model in the Sony Mavica line, the CD1000. At its 2001 introduction, the CD300 was the highest-resolution model in the Mavica line, offering a 2048×1536 pixel maximum resolution. It was introduced alongside the lower-resolution CD200, and both models share a 3x zoom range. (This shorter zoom range permits a much smaller and more manageable body design than the CD1000.) In the higher-spec CD300, this is a Carl Zeiss-branded 7–21 mm f/2.0–2.5 zoom (giving a 35mm equivalent range of 34–102 mm).

Both models add the ability to use 8 cm CD-RW media, permitting images to be erased and entire discs to be reformatted. (CDs did need to be "finalized" before they became readable in standard computer drives.)
