Talk:Poppy Six

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Poppy II

Today I saw a Poppy II at "Box", a camera shop in Nishi-Shinjuku (west central Tokyo). I only saw the front, and I didn't have a print-out of the article with which to compare it (let alone any photo of a Gotex, etc.). I feel very queasy about adding to an article information for which I not only can provide no evidence here but also can't even privately provide any jpegs snagged from an auction or similar on demand; I therefore leave my account on this discussion page, letting somebody else add it if he or she wishes.

Body 2128 (engraved at the top of what looks like a shallow dummy knob at the photographer's left) is a viewfinder camera, with additional brilliant finder, so from the front it may look to the semi-informed rather like the rangefinder camera that it isn't. It has a shutter (B, 1–200) marked at one place "FRANK" and at another "T. K. S." The lens (no. 2267) is a "Seriter Anastigmat" 75/3.5. At the top is engraved "POPPY". Toward the top right (from the point of view of someone being photographed) of the front is a rectangular metal plate, marked in white on red "POPPY" and "II". "POPPY" runs from left to right; the "P" is much larger than the "O", which is a bit larger than what follows: this leaves a space at the top right for a rectangle containing "II". -- Hoary 09:43, 2 September 2006 (EDT)

Interesting, the Frank and TKS markings point to the Frank Six and the TKS shutters. Maybe the shutter was swapped at some time. I'm sending you some pictures of the corresponding cameras. --Rebollo fr 15:39, 2 September 2006 (EDT)