Talk:Leica R4–R7/Leica R6 (previous article)

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This is the discussion page for Leica R4–R7/Leica R6 (previous article). Click here to start a new topic.

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This is an old article, retained here so that its history can be consulted. To read about this camera, please see Leica R4–R7.

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The Leica R6 was a 1988 SLR designed and built by Leica in the traditionalist mold, with mechanically-timed shutter speeds not dependent on battery power. This was a reversal from the R3 through the R5 which had been designed in collaboration with Minolta using an electronically-timed shutter.

The Leica R6.2 took what was basically the same camera, and increased its maximum shutter speed to 1/2000 sec, rather than the 1/1000 of the original model.
