Cadet (monorail)

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The Cadet is a 4x5-inch monorail camera produced by Cambo and sold under both the Cambo (as Explorer) and Calumet brands. It was one of the cheaper monorail cameras available. Compared to Calumet's own CC-400 series monorail cameras, the Cadet is much lighter. Whereas many monorail cameras are mounted on a solid aluminium rail, the Cadet has a hollow tubular rail;[1] where the solid rail has a machined groove for racking, the hollow one has a groove formed by folding. The Cadet has one-sided, L-shaped front and rear standards, and more parts are plastic than on the CC-400 cameras. The camera weighs about 2.5 kg (5½ pounds),[2] compared to the CC-400's 3.75 kg (8¼ pounds).

The camera is black, with either black or red bellows. It was available with either a standard bellows, giving sixteen inches of extension, or a bag bellows for use with very short lenses.[2]


  1. Cambo-branded Cadet, sold at Auction 46 by LP Foto on 7 December 2013: several excellent pictures of the camera, though it is missing its focusing screen.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jay Schlegel, Cadet review at Large FormatPhotography.Info


  • The Cadet, a beginner's manual for monorail cameras (pdf), by Roger Hicks, at Cambo