Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim

Revision as of 15:06, 1 February 2011 by Voxphoto (talk | contribs) (added photo)
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The Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim is an all-plastic, "focus-free" 35mm camera made in China. This very simple model has no adjustments for exposure, and no flash, limiting its use to daylight scenes.

Two things set it apart from the typical plastic 35mm cheapie: First is its exceptionally wide-angle lens, nominally 22mm in focal length. Secondly, true to the name "slim," the camera is physically small and easily pocketable.

The lens in this camera has two elements, giving better-than-expected sharpness. However the camera still gives quite noticeable vignetting in the corners of the frame. For some users this is an appealing feature, as it creates some of the look of the cult favorite Lomo LC-A—but at a considerably cheaper cost. Some users have found the film advance to be prone to failure, however.

The original production of Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim cameras seems to have ended; but a Superheadz release of "White Slim Angel" and "Black Slim Devil" cameras appear to be based on the same molds.

[[Category:Image by Rolf F. on Flickr]]