Nedinsco Argus

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The Argus is a 35mm viewfinder camera produced by the Dutch company Nedinsco.

It is a license build Gerlach Ideal Color 35. The agreement for that with the German Camera-Werk Adolf Gerlach, Wuppertal, was settled in 1957 and Nedinsco received tooling and drawings from Gerlach.

The first batch (c.275 cameras) was produced at the end of November, beginning of December 1957. Because of heated arguments between Gerlach and Nedinsco regarding the quality of the build cameras, the quality of parts delivered by Gerlach and payments the license was revoked in May 1958 and the production of the Argus at Nedinsco came to a halt.

There were only about 500 cameras build so the Nedinsco Argus can be considered as rare.

Some of the Gerlach toolings were later in 1958 used for the production of the Nedinsco Primo, a license build Steiner Steinette. Some parts of the Argus and Primo were the same which might be explained by the fact that the same camera designer, Willy Uhrig, was involved.


  • Harry P.M. Clerx, Book "Wat produceerde Nedinsco in het verleden?" , seventh edition, Venlo (NL) April 2013, ISBN 978-90-808282-2-3
  • Frans Hermans, article "De Nedinsco-Primo camera", published in "Photohistorisch Tijdschrift" (NL), 1995, Number 1
  • Bernd Arnal, booklet "Fotogeräte und -zubehör aus Oberfranken - eine Spurensuche, Teil 2: Die anderen Namen, Heft 1" , Oberfranken Government, Bayreuth (D), February 2008