116 film

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116 is a roll film introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1899 for 2½×4¼ inch negatives[1] (nominally 6.5×11 cm). The film stock is 70mm wide: wider than that of 120 film.

In 1932, Kodak introduced 616 film.[1] This has a slightly slimmer spool (originally metal rather than wood). Agfa/Ansco gave the 616 size their own designation PD16. Kodak discontinued both 116 and 616 in 1984.[1]

With some ingenuity, 120 film can be used with cameras designed for 116 and 616, as can 70mm film. (Remember that if you respool 120 film onto 116/616 spools and have it developed at a lab, you must ask for your 116/616 spools back or they'll be thrown away.)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Walker Mangum, "History of Kodak roll film numbers", at the Kodak Collector's Page. Mangum attributes this information to Thom Bell, writing in a website that no longer (2012) exists.The most recent version (1999) that the Wayback Machine provides of what appears to be the page by Bell that Mangum refers to lacks much of this information.
