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Heinrich Ernemann Werke Aktiengesellschaft was founded by Heinrich Ernemann. From 1899 onwards, it produced cameras and movieprojectors in Dresden and Görlitz. In 1908 it statted making its own lenses. Untill then it had purchased those from Carl Zeiss and Goerz. In 1920 it formed a company for its movieprojectors together with steel producer Krupp, Ernemann-Krupp Kinoapparate. In 1923 the camera division moved in to the Dresden factory building that untill today is known as the Ernemann tower. This tower later became the symbol for VEB Pentacon. In 1926 Ernemann merged with ICA, also in Dresden, Goerz in Berlin and Contessa-Nettel in Stuttgart to become Zeiss-Ikon.

Famous cameras from Ernemann include the Bob folding series, the Haeg line and the 1924 Ermanox. This last camera had aa unusually fast and huge 1.8 85mm lens, allowing photography in dimly lit theaters using only available light.