Luxa Six

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This is a Wolf Luxa Six folding camera for 6×6 cm exposures on 120 film. Also known as a Braun Imperial 6×6. The Firma Hermann Wolf made this camera for Braun. And in 1953 they made the Luxa under their own name. It was produced only for one year and therefore it is a very rare camera. It has only five shutter-speeds: 1/75, 1/25, 1/2, 1 and Bulb. Two apertures: F8 and F16. With the right knob you can focus the distance; 1-2, 3-5 and 7-infinity.

The interesting thing about this camera is that it has an "optical" exposure meter. Two small finders on the right and left of the viewfinder. Right finder is for F16 and left for F8. You must hold the camera 30cm in front of you and the number you still can read in the viewfinder is the (not exact) exposure time.

A later model has a slightly different front plate with two marked apertures: 11 and 22. It has a Luxar f/7.7 75mm lens in a Gauthier shutter. [1]

Under this name very rare, not gold but a special step in the evolution of the camera.
