Taron VR

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The VR from Nippon Kosokki is the c.1959 revision of the Taron 35 III and is the base model for the Taron VL and Taron V18 derivatives. The 'V' evidently signifies "five" with the sequence skipping directly from the Taron 35 III (perhaps due to a traditional aversion to the number four in Japan).

The VR exists in two variations:

The first still carries a front badge and lens engraving for Nippon Kōsokki Industries Company, Limited. This version retains the self-resetting frame counter in a round window seen on the Taron 35 III, although it drops that model's retractable rewind crank, in favor of the familiar flip-open type.

The other VR version is now badged and engraved "Taron Co. Ltd." and the rewind knob has a black top flanking the silver foldout crank. The advance lever seems to be a cheaper stamped piece. Oddly the frame counter is now a manual-resetting type. Perhaps these were further cost-cutting moves as begun with the revised rewind crank. It is this variant identified as the Taron VR—II in its owners manual. The "II" does not seem to be indicated anywhere on the camera itself.
