Hermann Krone

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Hermann Krone (*Dec. 14th 1825 Breslau (=Wrocław), +Sept. 27th 1916) was the most famous German photographer of the 19th century. He began as talbotypist in 1843, and soon became daguerreotypist. After his apprenticeship he moved to Dresden where he opened an own studio. He founded the Institut für Daguerreotypien und photographische Bilder auf Glas and opened two photographic art-shops in the city. He became private docent for photography at the Polytechnikum, and from 1895 to 1907 he was extraordinary professor for scientific photography at the Technical University, laying the foundations of a photographic institute which exists to date. Famous are his early landscape photos, maybe the first image series of this genre in Germany. But he also made portraits and town images. Krone was the high-class practical photographer in that city full of ingenious photography technology makers.
