Camera types

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Camera Types

View Camera


Pocket and Point & Shoot cameras

Single Lens Reflex

Twin Lens Reflex

Twin Lens Reflex (TLR) cameras are "two-eyed" cameras such as the classic Rolleiflex. They consist of a ground glass on the top and two lenses on the front.

The scene viewed by the top lens (the viewing lens) is reflected by a mirror onto the ground glass. The image seen on the ground glass is back to front (left is right, right is left) which can take some getting used to.

The bottom lens (the taking lens) exposes the film. This means that, unlike Single Lens Reflex cameras, the viewed image is not exactly the same as the image recorded on the film - the difference being the distance between the centre of the viewing lens and the centre of the taking lens. This discrepancy is known as Parallax Error.