Talk:Olympus Standard

Revision as of 11:00, 10 June 2006 by Hoary (talk | contribs) (Special agent / distributor: Yes)
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This is the discussion page for Olympus Standard. Click here to start a new topic.

Discussion pages are for discussing improvements to the article itself, not for discussions about the subject of the article.

Special agent / distributor

Do you think there is a difference between "special agent" (特約店) and "distributor" (発売元)? --Rebollo fr 15:54, 9 June 2006 (EDT)

I haven't looked at the information here -- and I know very much less about Olympus than you do, and anyway this is a very special case as the camera was not actually marketed. But in general, yes I think there is. Unless my Japanese is even worse than I think, 特約店 means a retailer that's authorized (or "specially authorized") to sell something. Think of overpriced perfumes: the companies have traditionally tried to keep these out of the hands of cheap retailers in order not to sully their image. And think of Leica these days. -- Hoary 20:00, 9 June 2006 (EDT)
Now I have a question about the English language. In French I would translate 特約店 by "concessionnaire". Do you think that "authorized retailer" is a more appropriate translation than "special agent" (a translation I found in a Japanese-English dictionary)?
In a word, yes! Hoary 07:00, 10 June 2006 (EDT)

Range of lenses

Of course I consider the range of lenses given in the ad as the most accurate, so I removed the other lists. Francesch says 50/4.5 in one place and 50/3.5 in another, the latter is a probable typo. The Japanese Olympus Photo Club website says 135/6.3 instead of 135/4.5, maybe this changed with time? --Rebollo fr 16:07, 9 June 2006 (EDT)

It's dangerous to put too much faith in ads. Ads say what the company expects or hopes to do. The company doesn't always get around to doing it. If an advert has a short list of lenses, it seems unlikely that other lenses were made as well; but it's quite likely that not all of the advertised lenses were made. -- Hoary 20:00, 9 June 2006 (EDT)
You are fully right. By saying that it was more accurate, I was only meaning that it reflects what the company intended to do. (In the article I am saying that only the 65/3.5 is known for sure to have existed.) In fact I inserted this in the talk page just to mention somewhere the possible typos I found, without prominently displaying them in the article. --Rebollo fr 06:32, 10 June 2006 (EDT)