Vitomatic I

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There were four generations of Voigtlander Vitomatic cameras, which all had coupled light meters. The first two generations were derived from the Vito B, and developed in parallel to the Vito BL and BR.

Vitomatic Is are viewfinder cameras, and Vitomatic IIs are rangefinder equipped.

The Vitomatic I was produced between 1957 and 1960.


Viewfinder: Brilliant finder shows image at about 1:1. Bright line with parallax markings.

Focus: Manual. Imperial distance scale with zone focusing symbols.

Lens: Color-Skopar 50mm (4 elements in 3 groups).

Close Focus: 3' 5".

Diaphragm: f2.8 to f22.

Shutter: Prontor SLK-V shutter (B, 1, 1/2nd, 1/4th, 1/8th, 1/15th, 1/350th, 1/60th, 1/125th, 1/250th and 1/300th sec) + built-in 8 second self-timer. Early cameras had a top speed of 1/300th sec.

Meter: Coupled Selenium.

Exposure: Manual match needle in top-plate window.

Frame Counter: Manually set, countdown style.

Rewind: Pop-up crank with automatic tension release.

Back Opening: Pull out base plate latch with quarter twist, opens the whole back and a hinged door beneath the film canister.
