Talk:Compur serial numbers

Revision as of 12:16, 13 February 2016 by Purpleivory (talk | contribs) (The list of Compur shutter serial numbers is incomplete and partially wrong.)
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This is the discussion page for Compur serial numbers. Click here to start a new topic.

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The list of Compur serial numbers seems to me incomplete and partially wrong. I own several cameras with Compur, Compur-Rapid and Synchro-Compur shutters. The Compurs fit in the list with more or less the right year of manufacture with 7 digit numbers. But I have two Kodak Retinas and a Welta Weltax with Compur shutters that have serial numbers starting with A plus a 6 digit number. These cameras are from 1939. This number range is not mentioned in the list. As far as I know Compur shutters were not manufactured after WW II except may be what was left over from prewar times. Cameras with Compur-Rapid shutters have different number ranges of 7 digits starting with 5 already in 1935. I believe that Deckel used separate number ranges for the Compur-Rapid shutter from the start of this shutter model. The same seems to apply to Synchro-Compur shutters, having number ranges that do not fit in the Compur list either, two 1956 Retinas with shutter numbers from 1931 and 1934 show that clearly.