Seneca 9

Revision as of 02:00, 28 October 2014 by Geoff H (talk | contribs) (Changed quote to Italic)
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Seneca explicitely dedicated its Seneca 9 (badged Seneca 9, also called Seneca No. 9) to the advanced photo amateur: "Whoever has become so thoroughly imbued with the spirit of photography that his delight is its revelations in its constantly varying forms, will delight in the wide variety of possibilities with the Seneca No. 9 Camera" (from the Roll Film Seneca manual).

These possibilities were

  • triple extension bellows, operated with rack and pinion
  • rising and falling front
  • swing back
  • revolving back to hold 3¼×5½" postcard format film sheet holders or the Seneca film pack adapter
  • front group or back group of lens usable singly as color corrected lenses, giving a set of three different focal lengths: 100mm, 165mm or 215mm

Variants of the Seneca No. 9 were

  • w/o lens, w/o shutter
  • with Symmetrical Convertible f8 lens and Autic shutter
  • with Wollensak Velostigmat anastigmat f6.3 lens and Autic shutter
  • with Wollensak Velostigmat anastigmat f6.3 lens and Optimo shutter
