Talk:Regula Reflex 2000 CTL

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myths on this camera

As an owner of this camera from the beginning, I have my doubts on the story novacon spreads concerning the problems with Leica. Mr Kleinfeldt from Germany, a profound expert on the camera and on the market in these days (70s), does so, too. See (I hope someone knows german): [1].

In fact, Regula in the end was unsuccessful whith a disc-camera, and that broke their neck [2]

Your pictures, I don't know why, are those of a very, very badly treated camera. Mr. Kleinfeldt made a perfect photo of the twins from Regula and Ringfoto (not with the Westromat by ISCO, sorry): [3] As I have both cameras, too, in good shape, I would make a photo of both for you, as Kleinfeldt did, if he doesn't give you the rights for his photo.

There are very interesting informations on this camera in "Photo deal", a german print-magazine on old cameras, which is still available. There are informations in I/2003 and IV/2012 [4] I posess both magazines.

Please, look at the informations I quoted and ask Volkmar Kleinfeldt, as he is a real expert, and we don't know how long we are going to have this great man among us, yet. Be nice, as he knows he's one of the best.

And change your information on this gorgeous camera, which I bought from Ringfoto in Germany and used it from the day I was 16 years old, 1971, until the shutter jammed 1985, and I was forced to buy an EOS 650 (great camera, too). To my great pleasure, 1990 I was able to buy the original Regula camera whith the Westromat at a flea market for a song (25€). I'm still using the fully functional Regula from time to time, whith great pleasure.

Thanks for your website! cacol