Talk:Olympus OM-10/20/30/40

Revision as of 17:34, 27 April 2010 by Artysmokes (talk | contribs) (agreement)
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This is the discussion page for Olympus OM-10/20/30/40. Click here to start a new topic.

Discussion pages are for discussing improvements to the article itself, not for discussions about the subject of the article.

Thanks to Artysmokes for noticing there is no hyphen in the model names. Shouldn't we change the page title accordingly, to Olympus OM10/20/30/40 ? Same thing for the OM707 and OM101, maybe ? --rebollo_fr 13:19, 27 April 2010 (EDT)

I'd certainly support such changes (particularly as a redirect will still show the old page on Google). Model names can be so tricky. The OM10 is often seen with a hyphen or a space in the name all over the net, but I think it's best to use what actually appears on the camera body for camerapedia. Let's see what other people think. artysmokes 13:34, 27 April 2010 (EDT)