Olympus E-5

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The Olympus E-5 DSLR was introduced at the end of summer 2010 as the new top model of Olympus' Four-Thirds system cameras. It's image sensor is a Live-MOS 12.3 Megapixel sensor made by Panasonic. The new features of the cameras compared to former Olympus flagship Olympus E-3 is the splash-proof turn- and tiltable 921.000 Pixel color LCD screen, an electronic spririt level, a video function, and a HDR simulation mode. Alike the Olympus E-1 it is announced as professional product, but whilst in 2003 the professional photographers had no better choice, nowadays they might invest in medium format DSLRs of other makers, but the better standard DSLRs like the E-5 might stay their choice for a small system camera, especially if they are already used to E-1 and/or E-3.
