Vitomatic I

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There were four generations of Voigtlander Vitomatic cameras, all of which had coupled light meters. The first two generations were derived from the Vito B and developed in parallel to the Vito BL and BR.

The Vitomatic I is a viewfinder camera, and the Vitomatic II and IIa are rangefinder equipped.

The Vitomatic I was produced between 1957 and 1960.


Viewfinder: Brilliant finder shows image at about 1:1. Bright line with parallax markings.

Focus: Manual. Imperial distance scale with zone focusing symbols.

Lens: Color-Skopar 50mm (4 elements in 3 groups).

Close Focus: 3' 5".

Diaphragm: f2.8 to f22.

Shutter: Prontor SLK-V shutter (B, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, and 1/300 sec) + built-in 8 second self-timer. Early cameras had a top speed of 1/300th sec.

Meter: Coupled selenium.

Exposure: Manual match needle in top-plate window

Frame Counter: Manually set, countdown style

Rewind: Pop-up crank with automatic tension release.

Back Opening: Pull out base plate latch with quarter twist opens the whole back and a hinged door beneath the film canister.
