Dark Energy Camera

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A camera that looks like a big heavy metal washing-machine drum: The 350 kg Dark Energy Camera of Fermilab is somehow like the end-of-19th-century Mamut: The biggest camera of its kind. The 700 kg Mamut was the biggest field camera ever made, the Dark Energy Camera isn't ready yet. It will be the biggest digital camera in the World when it starts its service in the 4 meter telescope of the Cerro tololo Inter-American Observatorium in Chile. 74 [[CCD]-chips together will deliver 570-[[Megapixel]-images which need a super-computer to develop the each image in 25 seconds. The computer must be cooled down to minus hundred degrees Celsius. Every image wil have a file-size of circa 1 GByte.

Source: "foto magazin Nr.8 2010"