Regula Reflex 2000 CTL

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The Regula Reflex 2000 CTL was a SLR camera made by King KG in the late 1960's and early 1970's. This camera was also sold as the Ringfoto Reflex in Germany. This camera was developed by Joseph Op de Beek and first shown at Photokina in 1966 as the Regula Reflex CTL in two versions: M42 screw mount and Nikon F mount, [1] the M42 mount was only used in the end though.

The design of the camera is based on the original Leicaflex SLR, the focal plane shutter, shutter speeds and shutter mechanics, but also incorporated things found on the Leicaflex SL like TTL metering and support for M42 lenses with A mode. The camera is basically a simplified (and some would say prettier) Leicaflex intended to be sold much cheaper.

Unfortunately for King the design was too similar and they were taken to court by Leitz and sued for infringing Leitz patents. Leitz won the case and King was ordered to pay fines for the infringements. The camera arguably King's best one was also the worst for the company, what could have been the companies greatest moment instead cost the company dearly and crippled it for the future, the SLR was killed off in the early 1970's. Ironically due to it's rarity the Regula Reflex is now worth more than a Leicaflex in the camera collecting world.

In 1976, drawings and the remaining parts were sold to National Instruments Calcutta in India who were building other Regula models for the internal market under licence, but the SLR was never pursued.


  • Takes M42 screw mount lenses, known standard lenses with the camera:
    • Auto Regulon 50mm f/1.8 (rebranded Cosina Cosinon Auto 50mm f/1.8)
    • Isco-Göttingen Regula Westromat 50mm f/1.9
    • Isco-Göttingen Iscotar 50mm f/2.8
    • Schneider-Kreuznach Xenon 50mm f/1.9
  • Depth of field preview lever by the lens mount
  • TTL light metering by pressing a lever on the front next to the lens mount
  • ISO 8-6400 settings for light metering
  • Shutter speeds between 1 second and 1/2000th + bulb mode
  • Hot shoe with electronic flash sync up to 1/125th (better than the Leicaflex's 1/90th)
  • Self timer


