Rudolf Krügener

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Rudolf Krügener (* 8. Dezember 1847 in Elberfeld; † 22. September 1913 in Dresden) was graduated chemical scientist an lead a branch of Agfa in Frankfurt am Main. Since he was handicapped, wearing a self-made leg prothesis, he developped with help of the mechanics master Krücke a camera for himself which became the famous little light Dr. Krügenersche Taschenbuch Kamera (Dr. Krügeners's pocketbook camera), one of the smallest cameras of his time, with dimensions of 45×100×140mm. A novelty had been the magazine for 24 plate exposures. It was an economical success. So he founded Dr. Rudolf Krügener, Photochemisches Laboratorium und Fabrik photographischer Apparate Frankfurt-Bockenheim, a company which produced lenses, photo chemicals and cameras. He expanded the company with a plant in Furtwangen. His solid company produced 100 camera models and kept up with technology. After the merger of the campany with others to Ica his sons became managers there, Walter Krügener as boss in Furtwangen, Dr. Hermann Krügener a director of Ica.

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